“It is time you create your life consciously” - Sadhguru’s

A Message from the Creator:


Let this be a place where we can spread positivity along with cultivating a community that supports and uplifts one another.

Being your authentic self, with the help from Divine Timing has brought you to this page of healing and growth. Harmonizing our Mind, Body and Spirit as one, we will create the best version of ourself and take our life into new heights.

Harness your unique and special qualities! Continue your journey and connect with those of like-minds. Together, we can awaken a new consciousness on life that is in sync with love, unity, integrity and honesty.”

Sat Nam



Crystal Necklaces


Green Aventurine fore Luck, Prosperity and Success

Black Tourmaline for Self Confidence, Inspiration and Clarity

Raw Apatite for Self Expression, Courage and Harmony

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The journey begins when an unconscious thought is made conscious. You behold all the tools you need to create the life you envision for yourself.

Your time is now.



Having a healthy, happy and long life is a lifestyle.

Listen to your body, give yourself the TLC it needs and tap into what you can accomplish.

Unlock your full potential and let it soar.


Ignite what is in you that makes you your unique self. You are one of a kind. Embrace your virtues and vices. You behold all the tools you need to live the life you want.

Learn how to listen to your intuition and see how your life will change for the better.

“Man conquers the world by conquering himself” Zeno of Citum