oFferings you will find here . . .

  • Tarot Card Readings

  • Numerology / Horoscope Breakdowns

  • Private Gatherings

Meet ra!

  • Dive deep into the mystics of yourself with Ra as she allows your Higher Self to come through and bring what you need to the surface. With her love and passion for all metaphysical items related, the sacred calling of Tarot reading found a home in her.

    Ra has been channeling Oracle and Angel Cards since a young age, which has since helped not only herself but those that are called to her in elevating their awareness in the here and now. Believing in the Oneness upon which we are all connected, she encourages people to have an open mind and heart when coming fourth.

    Allow her messages to assist you as you advance through life.

Let’s Connect!

Inquirer about one, or all of the Offerings listed above that you would like to know more about!

Please provide as much information as you’d like. I will get back to you in Divine Timing!

I am happy to assist you ☺️