get your personal horoscope & Numerology breakdown
From the moment you were born, you have had your very own, unique natal (birth) chart that correlates the planetary alignment in the cosmos to the timing of your birth. Finding out what and where the planets are placed for you will further your connection towards understanding yourself on a deeper level.
Find out your Big Three
The Big Three includes the 3 pillars of your personality. Most commonly known, is your Sun sign, but there is your Moon and lastly your Ascendant (Rising) Sign.
The Sun sign is found by using your Birthday. It is referred to as your “core” personality (Ego). It pertains to your interests, strengths, weaknesses, and fundamentally who you are.
The Moon sign is found based on where the moon was located on the day and time of your birth. It pertains to your emotions and the reasoning behind the ways in which you act them out. Known as your “Shadow-Self”, it reveals your internal motives that relate to your intuition, dreams, and inner-knowing.
The Ascendant sign is found by knowing what astrological sign was on the horizon the very second you were born. It pertains to the ways in which you reveal yourself to the outer world. It governs your self-expression and mannerisms on how you choose to live and view life.
Receive an in-depth and personalized breakdown of your Big Three!
Rediscover yourself in a new light. Integrate these three signs into your daily life and see how your perception will start to change.
Numerology Readings
Numerology is the study of numbers and the significant messages they convey toward an individual’s life.
Allow the Universe to speak to you through Numerology Readings.
Areas of Interest are:
Yearly - Find out what 2024 has in store for you.
Career Paths - Find the career that suits you best.
Monthly - Find out what this month has in store for you.
Daily Read - Find out what today will bring, so you can make the most out of it.
Life Number - Find your unique life number and what it means about your purpose.
Romance Compatability - Find out how compatible you and another person are together.
Quiescent-Self Reading - Find out why you think the thoughts you do and what it represents in your life.
Destiny - Find out the energy that relates to the person you are now with the person you are to become.
Allow these numbers to reveal your life’s mission and soul’s purpose.
Understanding the Power of Numerology and how they effect your life will serve you in unlocking your truest and highest self. The study of Numerology has been observed for thousands of years. This sacred system gives meaning to numerical repetition and synchronicities that present themself to you. There is a deeper meaning behind the numbers you see, letters in your name, ect., knowing how to decode their hidden language will open you up to receiving divine alignment, redirection, and integration.
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