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"The Rose Heart" Kundalini Divine Potential Awakening Retreat Sedona


Signature Retreat by Loe ❤️ aka Shanti Mantra Kaur

in a collaboration with Rachel Sokoloff, and Monica Barake


MARCH 30 - APRIL 3, 2023


The most Unique Journey to THE ROOT CHAKRA OF THE EARTH - at SEDONA! Also known as “The City of Dragons” &

a Residency of Sanat Kumara & the 144,000 Special Souls.

We will be activating our Divine Potential & Soul DNA, Transforming your World & Reality . . .

Experience Angels & Dragons Initations, Crystalline Heart Activations, Vortex Supercharge, Hiking Adventures,

Deep Healing Using Emotion Code Technology,

Manifestation Mastermind, Angelic Readings,

Transformational Kundalini Yoga & Meditation as taught by Yogi Bhajan.

Earth Ritual, Dancing, Ceremonial Caco & Ascended Masters Teachings.

World-Class Sunrises & Magical Sunsets . . .

Unforgettable Weekend with Your Soul Family!


❤️ JOIN US ❤️

for 4 days / 3 nights 


Arrive on: Thursday by 3 pm / March 30 (or the night before)

Leave: Sunday after 5 pm / April 3 (or stay until Monday with us)

Retreat Opening Ceremony starts on Thursday (March 30) at 4 pm, 

Closing Ceremony on Sunday (April 3) at 4 pm.


4 days | 24/7 company with Loe, Rachel and Monica

  • All workshops, practices, ceremonies and teachings

  • 90% of the local adventures, tours and hikes

  • Transportation in Sedona to all our adventures (group vehicle)

  • Breakfast for every day is included (vegan and yami!), home snacks, ceremonial cacao, golden milk, teas

  • Creating a personal plan and a daily practice after the retreat for integration and long-lasting results


  • Airplane ticket to Phoenix, AZ (you can choose to fly directly to Sedona Airport - the tickets might be more expensive)

  • Shuttle from Phoenix airport to the hotel in Sedona (we will provide this information later, but it’s about $70 one way) 

  • House expense around $800 depending on the room (we will stay in a center of Sedona in a beautiful house!)

You may choose to stay one day longer and have some time to integrate and enjoy the city before coming back home. We will be in Sedona until Monday April 3d. 

  • Lunches  & Shopping 

  • Additional excursions: (by request / not necessary: Jeep tour ($99), Air Balloon Ride - on the last day (usually it's about $250)

  • Renting a personal vehicle at the airport if you wish, instead of taking a Shuttle to Sedona and sharing a group car during retreat days. But together is much more fun!


All details about the house we are staying in will be provided by Feb 15th. 


The house will be located within a walking distance to Whole Foods in a center of Sedona. as well as a variety of local cafes, coffee shops and restaurants. 

Our main lunch spot would be best ever Vegan Cafe: (open daily from 11 am - 4 pm)


Enjoy watching our Recap from the previous “The Rose Heart” Sedona Retreat and imagine yourself here with us for our upcoming one!!

Do you hear the calling of your Sacred Heart? 🔔

Please take a moment to read our offering... 


It's a path of Self Discovery and Empowerment into the depth of YOU, into the Mystery and the Mastery. This journey is a deep self-initiation and the final rebirthing into 5D New Earth Paradigm.

We are anchoring the Frequency of Love into the planet through our own energetic shifts.

The only true Journey is the one within. But we travel to the sacred lands of Sedona to support our awakening with high-frequency Vortex energies, and to enjoy local unique experiences.

Three of us felt a calling to travel to Sedona Land this Fall, and we are attracting those Souls / Humans who need a New Beginning, a Super Energy Boost in their lives to Join us! 

Here to hold your hand into your New Birth - Heart Awakening experience that will shift your life forever. True Miracles and Abundance are being birthed from the Heart space. Personal, generational, and planetary Healing is happening when you can truly tap into that Inner Temple Realm of your Heart...

Explore with us the beauty of Sedona, learn and experience powerful yogic science, and feel your heart opening, while gathering new lifestyle tips and techniques that you can easily implement and integrate into your daily life.

Understand more about yourself and connect deeply with what makes you truly happy in life. Create clarity in the mind to increase productivity and enable you to move towards your life goals and True Self. Create an Intentional life. A heroic life and a leadership life.  


The Rose is an extremely Potent Symbol of Spiritual Love and its Intricate Beauty and Geometry can bring us to Higher States of Purity, Grace, and Love. 

The Journey of the Heart is all about opening up its petals into full bloom and connection to all. 

Your Heart is a Gateway of Sacred Love and Spiritual Force that can manifest so many miracles for you, as well as become an activated portal of High frequencies that will be elevating everyone around you. As we heal and open our own hearts - we heal each and every heart of humanity.


According to the legends of Hopis (ancient tribe that lived in Arizona), in very ancient times the Kachina Star People built a glorious Temple City that they lived in. During their migrations many of the Hopi Clans visited this magical city and were taught the Mysteries of the Universe by the resident Kachinas. This city, known as Palatkwapi, the "Red House," was later completely covered with water and its red rock temples and statues became eroded and dis-figured.

Today, the city of Sedona sits upon and within the remaining red rock temples & formations of Palatkwapi. 

It was a residency of Sanat Kumara (Pleiadian Celestial Being), they also called him "The King of the World".

The legends say he is still there waiting for you to visit the place where your Soul used to have a home on Earth and remember that You are One of the 144 000... 

According to Hopi legend, the King of the World Masau'u (aka Eototo) and his "First Lieutenant," Aholi, taught the Path of the Dragon in Palatkwapi. Also known as the Path of Quetzlcoatl, the "Plumed Serpent" (or feathered Dragon), through this path matter (the snake - kundalini awakening) would acquire feathers and fly, and a human would ascend his or her consciousness and become one with the Star People. 

Also underneath the famous labyrinth in Angel Valley in Sedona is located one of the most important energy centers on Earth - one of hidden Venus temples. Which we will visit and connect through a special activation ceremony.


❤️ IS IT FOR ME? ❤️


This is totally for everyone! 

Kundalini is a yoga for householders, for people who have to cope with the daily challenges and stresses of holding jobs, raising families, and managing businesses. It gives results in the shortest possible time. It does not require you to leave your home, become an ascetic or sit in a cave. Kundalini Yoga is for everyone who wants the skills to cope successfully with the challenges of living in this day and age. 

And you don't have to be a pretzel :) For the physical exercises, if you can breathe, and just lean in the right direction, you'll be benefitted!

If you want to explore the possibilities of your highest potential, then keep reading! Kundalini Yoga is much more than just a system of physical exercises. It is a dynamic, powerful tool for expanding awareness. 


The technology of Kundalini Yoga is designed to help us make this planetary energy shift. As we use these special practices to strengthen our inner core and physical and emotional bodies, we are able not only to survive but to thrive during these challenging times. Our personal healing uplifts and helps many others and Mother Earth herself. 

Kundalini Yoga is not a religion. It's a Sacred Science that balances the glandular system, strengthens the 72,000 nerves in the body, expands the lung capacity, and purifies the bloodstream. It brings balance to the body, mind, and soul. It teaches positive, self-empowering attitudes of thinking. It is on-the-job training for success and excellence in life. It builds inner strength and self-awareness so you can fulfill your highest potential. In Kundalini Yoga we harness the mental, physical, and nervous energies of the body and put them under the domain of the will, which is the instrument of the soul. Kundalini Yoga perfects the finite life while connecting it to the Infinite experience. 

The practice that leads to the state of self-mastery is also called "yoga." So the road and the destination have the same name, "yoga." The technology of Kundalini Yoga applies its science to our bodies and minds and is aimed at the spirit which has no boundaries, and no discrimination. Therefore it is for everyone. It is universal and nondenominational.  

About Crystalline Grids and Vortexes: 

Crystal Grid Templates (like Flower of Life, and Metatron shapes) are geometric formations of high-frequency light that support us to raise our vibrations. The Crystalline Grid on Earth is a holographic matrix of Light made up of energetic fractals. It is anchored by high vibrational points within the Earth. It anchors at Vortexes that are portals into the next-dimensional experience on Earth (SEDONA HAS ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL VORTEXES ON EARTH!) Vortexes are the portals and doorways that connect the Earth to the multidimensional cosmos. These great portals of light are collecting negative particles of energy and transmute them into higher frequencies. 

You can receive a powerful healing and energetic recalibration. 


Let's break it down! Define Retreat: “to withdraw or move back”

Define yoga: “the art of living, being, and practicing to be the best version of yourself”. Just like the piano player spends a lifetime to become a master of piano) yoga is the practice to become good at Life! 

YOGA RETREAT is a combination of withdrawing/moving back from your daily life, to-do lists, work, and overflowing demands of human life to practice the art of living, being, knowing, feeling and understanding.

October 20


September 7

Sedona "Rose Heart" Part III