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Traditionally known as, “Sacred Smoke Bowl Blessing”, smudging has been around for thousands of years. It has been used by the indigenous Americans for its cleansing, purification, and healing properties. 

 Being a powerful spiritual cleanse, this technique calls upon the spirits to banish negative or unwanted energies away. Using various healing plants, they disturb the invisible energy allowing you to get rid of all the negativity while creating a new environment for positivity to replace it. Besides the spiritual help it offers you, it will restore balance to a group, person, and/or area; it does not limit itself. 

 Plants have divine healing and cleansing properties. Smudging is sacred because the herbs and plants we use are given to us by Mother Nature; who continuously gives us everything we need.

Sacred Herbs for Smudging:

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The most common are:

  • White Sage – Possesses antibacterial properties that can physically improve the air quality in an area. White sage is primarily used for its cleansing and healing benefits that remove negativity from an object, person, or place. 

  •   Cedar – Is best for beginners since it is a slow burner you will have time to set your intentions properly. Cedar is used for its renewal, protection, and grounding benefits.

  • Rosemary – Removes negative energy but emphasizes a sense of peace and balance into one’s life.

  • Lemongrass – Besides having an amazing scent to it, it is used for purifying and cleansing that enhances clarity and focus. 

  • Palo Santo – Creates and welcomes creativity, love, and good fortune. Along with it smelling amazing, you will as well.

  • Eucalyptus – Can be used during the cold seasons for its muscle relief and anti-inflammatory properties, but smudging with it increases your protection, health and gives you a boost in energy. 

  • Bay Leaves – Has multiple uses form protection, healing and calming, while reducing anxiety when used for smudging. 

  • Lavender – Is a unique cleansing tool, it aids in calming and relaxing the body. It promotes happiness and peace of mind. Lavender naturally has a very potent smell to it and when burned it is magnified leaving you to smell a breath of fresh air.

  • Peppermint – It is great to smudge when someone is sick. Using it refreshes and reenergizes the vibe. It also protects against negative energy and encourages peace, serenity, and wisdom.

  • Sweetgrass – Being one of the most sacred plants, when burned it reminds us of our essence. 

  • Rose – The plant known for love. When used with smudging, it benefits you in your love life. While enhancing luck and prosperity, this beauty also removes grief.

  • Myrrh – Great for killing bacteria and other microbes. Most likely added with Frankincense, it will aid in purification while improving the air quality.

How to Smudge:

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 *Set your intentions and mantras prior to beginning.*

1) Open all windows in your house along with the front & back door open (for safety reasons or animal concerns you do not HAVE to do this). As long as the windows are open to allow the smoke (energies) to escape you are fine. 

 2) As you light and after it is lit you recite your intentions giving purpose to your smudging ritual. Light the smudging bundle diagonally downwards with any flame. While the smoke is gathering, with a feather (or your hand) motion the smoke to do its work.

 3) Start from the bottom of the house and work your way to the top. Start with each doorway going completely around it. Next, work yourself to the corners of each room and allow the smoke to travel around the room as you move about.

 4) MOST IMPORTANT STEP: {Intention, Action, Speaking, Doing}

As you smudge, you are doing so for a very specific reason. Make that reason be known and be specific. The more it knows, the more direction it has towards fulfilling its purpose. Always thank and respect the herbs that are used. They are a gift from mother nature, that she freely gives to us to use for our benefit. Give praise and thank her for allowing this. By doing so, you strengthen the connection between nature and ourselves, further aligning ourselves with our true selves. Continue to ask of it what you wish to be done until you have gone throughout the whole house. 

 Make sure to get the mirrors in your house for they hold on to energies and have seen more than you know.

 5) Allow for it to go out by itself (unless it gets out of hand or you want to save the rest for another time). You may stop it by running water over it. 

Benefits of Smudging:

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The main reason to smudge is for its purification and cleansing properties. It repels negative energy and low frequencies. The smoke that arises from it travels all around shaking up the energy that is there. As this happens it removes what is not needed to make room for what is needed. By doing so you are creating a neutral place for you to imprint your energies on to make it yours. As you set your intentions and mantras for the smudging ritual, you are creating a bond with it. As it burns those intentions go wherever the smoke goes. 

 Smudging while you meditate will aid in grounding and centering yourself greatly. Clearing away anything that does not serve your better good, it connects to your psyche for further advancements and breakthroughs. 

 When smudging is done with the right intentions and cares you are able to work on your manifestations on a whole new level. Creating intentions are vital for a smudge to be completed because you are sending out what you seek and desire and in return, those will be attracted to you.

 Not so commonly known, but true none-the-less is that if used regularly, it reduces airborne bacteria. Stated in a 2007 study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacol that stated, “Research has shown that burning herbs or medicinal smoke can purify the air and [eliminate] up to 94 percent of harmful bacteria for up to 24 hours.” 

 Now you know that smudging not only dispels negative energies and low vibrations but will literally cleanse the quality of your air. 

 What more could you ask for?!

How Often You Can Smudge:

There is no such thing as smudging too much – however, do not let it affect your health or be a potential danger. Use it wisely and safely. Some animals or individuals with asthma may be affected by the smoke. If this is the case, do not use it at all or use it sparingly. There is no limit as to how many times you can smudge. It is on a case-by-case scenario that only you can decide. 

 When to Smudge:

There is no specific time when you should or should not smudge. Smudging is a sacred ritual that is highly based on each individual and their needs. You can smudge when you think it is necessary. A good time to smudge – personally speaking - is when you are feeling stagnant, feeling out of sync with yourself, are having feelings of sadness or anxiety, when you relocate, or have items that may carry previous energies with it. 

 Where to Buy Smudging Sets:

Luckily smudging sets are available in many places. Most will be found at your local metaphysical, hedge, or spiritual shop. They can also be found online on Amazon or through various sites. I highly recommend buying local from responsibly sourced growers!

 Smudging Sets:

Very soon I will be offering Smudging Kits you can purchase and use as you see fit. There will be a variety of options you can choose from. 

Sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know when they are available! 



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