Shower Rituals

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 No one can deny the sensation you feel after a well-deserved shower. Ever wonder why?

     To start, it is a great way for you to disconnect from the world while tuning into yourself. Everyone showers, so why not make the most out of it. 

     Water alone is a powerful element. Using it with your intentions in meditation further strengthens your outcome. Typically you have a morning and evening shower, but if you shower in the afternoon etc., you can still apply these principals. 

     Morning showers are a good time to introspect and think of what it is you want to accomplish and do in the given day. Get specific and lay down your intentions for the day. Allow the water to cleanse you, washing away any doubts or low vibrations that may hinder your performance. Start with a clean slate and get the most out of your day.

     Evening showers are good for reflections and perceptions. Now is the time where you relax and unwind from the day's responsibilities. It is time you have a conversation with yourself and go over what has happened to begin preparing yourself for the next day. Meditate on what it is you want and where it is you wish to be. Allow the water in this phase to wash off any low or harmful vibrations that you have accumulated throughout the day. 

   Cleanse and purify yourself by getting rid of everything that does not serve your best interest. As the water washes over you imagine a thin transparent shield covering your whole body as if you were in a bubble. That is your new force field, you are protected by this and it serves only for your best interest. 

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I encourage you to continue the process every day and see how your world changes. It will start subtly with small things, but as you become consistent and persistent with it, you will see it on a large scale.

This is a start to being mindful and aware of yourself. Start small and do only as much as you can. Nothing happens overnight, be gentle with yourself, and have faith.

As always, consult others about it, do your research. Form your own opinion on it, and look into it for yourself. Though I have given you information, always question it and make it your own decisions to form your own practices.

Share your experience and let’s talk!

